CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDA) announced an official agreement with the Farmer Veteran Coalition combining the WV Grown and Homegrown by Heroes logos into a blended mark. This marketing initiative informs consumers that agricultural products donning the mark are locally produced, grown, or with 50% or greater value-added within West Virginia and by a U.S. military veteran. The WVDA formed a partnership with the Farmer Veteran Coalition in 2017.
“Our goal has been to inspire the next generation of farmers, which must include our veteran communities. They are the perfect partners to take up the charge. It is vital we provide resources and marketing strategies to those veterans to ensure their success. Finalizing this agreement for a merged mark is a step in the right direction,” said Commissioner of Agriculture Kent Leonhardt.
This initiative is part of the Veterans and Heroes to Agriculture program, which is dedicated to the integration and support of veterans, firefighters, law enforcement, emergency services personnel and first responders entering or currently working in agriculture to benefit their health and welfare, as well as the state’s agricultural economy.
To become WV Grown Homegrown By Heroes certified, go to the Marketing Programs section here for details: Veterans & Heroes to Agriculture : West Virginia Department of Agriculture.
For more information, contact Sierra Cox at kcox@wvda.us or 304-558-2210.
The West Virginia Department of Agriculture protects plant, animal and human health through a variety of scientific, regulatory and consumer protection programs. The Commissioner of Agriculture is one of six statewide elected officials who sits on the Board of Public Works.