
West Virginia Department of Agriculture administers this federal funded grant program to provide low-income seniors with access to locally grown fruits, vegetables, honey and herbs; and to increase the domestic consumption of agricultural commodities through farmers markets and roadside stands. This program also aids in the development of new and additional farmers markets and roadside stands. Program period for eligible seniors to sign up is June – October. Farmers trained for this program April – July.

2024 REQUIRED Training
If you took the training last year, you can use the same login information. If you are new to the program, you will need to create a new account. This training is due to be completed by May 24th, 2024. If you have any trouble accessing the course please reach out to WVU Extension Agent, Karen Cox at If you have any questions regarding the program in general please reach out to the Business Development office at the Department of Agriculture at 304-558-2210.

For more information, contact the Business Development Division at 304-558-2210. Email at


SFMNP Civil Rights Training Video
Feb 21 Memo
Feb 29 Memo
Farmer Guidebook
SFMNP Vendor Application
Appendix Q-Civil Rights Training for Farmers